Skills in Demand by Occupation

Explore the skills in demand for different types of jobs.

Top Skills in Demand by Occupation Group

Different jobs require different skills, but some skills are important for almost any job. The charts show the skills and certifications that are important for each group of jobs. 

Skills are grouped as:

  • Occupational Skills  - skills learned on the job or through training
  • Social-emotional – thinking skills, people skills, language skills, managing resources, and personal traits
  • Tools and Equipment – the ability to use specific tools or equipment
  • Technologies – the ability to work with specific technologies
  • Certifications – specific certifications required by employers

To view skills in demand by industry visit our industry page. 

General Observations:

  • Occupational skills were mentioned the most in sales and service (91%), business, finance, and administration (90%), and trades and transportation (88%) jobs.
  • Social-emotional skills were the most needed overall, with 93% of job postings requiring them. The highest demand for these skills was in legislative and senior management (98%), and business and administration (96%) jobs. The lowest demand was in education, law, social, government, and community services (90%). 
  • Jobs in math, science, engineering, and IT had the highest demand for specific technologies (74%). Jobs in farming, fishing, forestry, and mining had the lowest demand, with only nine percent of job postings mentioning these skills.
  • There wasn’t much demand for tools and equipment skills. However, trades and transportation had the highest demand with 36% of job postings mentioning these skills. 
  • Trades and transportation had the highest demand for certifications (20%).

0 - Senior Management

This group includes legislators and senior managers.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Almost all job postings (98%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Within social-emotional skills, personal qualities like leadership, flexibility, and decision-making are especially important, along with being good at working with others and managing resources.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in 87% of postings.
  • Technologies and mentioned in about one-third of postings (29%), but tools are rarely mentioned.
  • Certifications are mentioned in 23% of job postings.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

1 - Business, Finance and Administration

This group includes jobs related to finance, business services, administration, and support.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Almost all job postings (96%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Within these skills, personal qualities like leadership, flexibility, and decision-making are especially important, along with working well with others.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in 90% of postings.
  • Technologies are mentioned in about six out of ten postings (61%), but tools are rarely mentioned.
  • Certifications are mentioned in 18% of postings.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

2 - Engineering, Math, Science, and Information Technology

This category includes jobs in science, engineering, architecture, and information technology. 

These jobs need further education after high school, usually in a specific science or technical field. Moving up from technical to professional jobs often requires more education. 

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Most job postings (92%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Within these skills, personal qualities like leadership, flexibility, and decision-making are really important, along with working well with others.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in 86% of postings.
  • Technologies are mentioned in about three-quarters of postings (74%), but tools are rarely mentioned.
  • Certifications are mentioned in 32% of job postings.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

3 - Health

This group includes jobs in healthcare, where people directly help patients and provide support to medical staff. 

Moving up from technical roles to professional jobs in medicine or dentistry usually requires more education. Getting promoted to supervisory positions usually requires experience in the job you are supervising. Support jobs in healthcare usually need short training programs specific to that area.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Most job postings (91%) mention needing social-emotional skills. 
  • Within these skills, personal qualities like leadership, flexibility, and decision-making are really important, along with working well with others.
  • Languages are also important, with most postings requiring English or French skills. 
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in 78% of postings.
  • Technologies are less important, mentioned only in about one-fifth of postings (21%), but tools are rarely mentioned.
  • Certifications are asked for in 54% of job postings.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

4 - Education, Law, and Social, Community, and Government Services

This category covers jobs related to law, teaching, counseling, social science research, government policymaking, and running government programs. It also includes roles in religious services and leadership.

To work in these jobs, people usually need to finish a related program after high school. For some jobs, like paralegals, or social service workers, you will need extra education to move up to professional roles.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important, though not as much as in other job categories. Most job postings (90%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Within these skills, working well with others is the most important, followed by personal qualities.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in 59% of postings.
  • Technologies are less important, mentioned in only about one-sixth of postings (17%), and tools are rarely mentioned.
  • Certifications are mentioned in 44% of job postings.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

5 - Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport

This category includes jobs in art and culture, like performing arts, film and video, broadcasting, journalism, writing, creative design, libraries, and museums.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Almost all job postings (96%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in about two-thirds of postings (68%).
  • Technologies are somewhat important, mentioned in about a quarter of postings (26%), but tools are rarely mentioned.
  • Certifications are mentioned in about one-third of job postings.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

6 - Sales and Service

This category covers jobs in sales, customer service, and personal services in various industries like hotels and restaurants, travel, tourism, and cleaning.

Most of these jobs need some kind of training, either from a formal program after high school, or on-the-job training. Some specialized service jobs offer apprenticeship training. To move up to higher positions or supervisory roles, you usually need experience in the job and might need more training.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Almost all job postings (93%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Specific skills for the job are mentioned in almost all postings (91%), which is the highest demand for any job group.
  • Technologies are less important, mentioned in about a fifth of postings (19%).
  • 17% of job postings mention certifications.
  • Tools are mentioned in only about one-tenth of postings (12%).

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

7 - Trades and Transportation

TThis category is all about jobs in trades like supervisors, contractors, construction workers, and transportation and machinery operators. These jobs are found in lots of different industries, but many are in construction and transportation.

Most of these jobs need some kind of training, either from college or vocational programs combined with on-the-job training. Many jobs in this group have apprenticeship pathways. Helpers usually learn on the job. With experience, you can move up to supervisory roles or become self-employed. However, it is not easy to switch between jobs in this category because they often need specific training and licenses.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Almost all job postings (91%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in most postings (88%).
  • Certifications are 
  • Tools are mentioned the most of all job categories, with one-third (36%) of postings mentioning them.
  • Technologies are less important, mentioned in only about one-eighth of postings (13%).
  • 53% of job postings mention certifications.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

8 - Farming, Fishing, Forestry and Mining

This category covers jobs in industries like mining, oil and gas, forestry, agriculture, and fishing. It includes supervisors and equipment operators.

Most of the jobs in this category are specific to these industries and are not found outside of them. To do these jobs, you usually need to finish college or a vocational program. Some jobs might teach you everything you need to know on the job.

  • In these jobs, being good with people is important. Almost all job postings (95%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in most postings (75%).
  • Certifications are mentioned in about two-fifths of postings (39%).
  • Tools are somewhat important, mentioned in about a fifth of postings (21%).
  • Technologies are rarely mentioned.

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category. 

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

9 - Manufacturing and Utilities

This category covers jobs in manufacturing, processing, and utilities, like supervisors, production workers, and labourers. 

For some jobs, you might need technical training, while for others you can learn on the job. Jobs dealing with process control are becoming more technical, so you might need training after high school for those. Many people start in simpler jobs and move up as they gain experience. Moving up to supervisor roles usually requires experience. Sometimes, your ability to move around in these jobs might be limited by seniority rules or you might need more training.

  • In these jobs, it is important to work well with others. Most job postings (93%) mention needing social-emotional skills.
  • Occupational skills are mentioned in most postings (85%).
  • Tools and Equipment is mentioned in about one-third of postings (33%).
  • Certifications are mentioned in about a fifth of postings (21%).
  • Technologies are only mentioned in about one-seventh of postings (14%).

Here are the top skills they are looking for in each category.

A table with three columns labeled Occupational skills, Social-emotional skills, and the third is tools, technology, and certifications. Each column lists the top ten skills for the category. The chart file can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Source: Vicinity Jobs. Skills and Certifications by Level 1 Occupational Group. January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022. 

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