Overall employment, as well as employment in most occupations, rose in 2023
- In 2023, compared to 2022, 7 out of 10 job groups had more people working in them, and overall there were 12,400 more jobs, which is a 2.9% increase.
- Management jobs saw the largest increase with 4,900 positions. On the other hand, jobs in art, culture, recreation, and sport had the largest percentage increase at 35.8%, followed by management jobs at 21.3%.
- But not all job groups saw growth. Trades, transport, equipment operators and related jobs had the biggest decrease with 2,200 fewer positions. Natural resources, agriculture, and related production jobs and manufacturing and utilities each had 100 fewer jobs.
- The percentage of job decrease was highest in trades, transportation, equipment operators and related jobs at 3.3%.
- In 2023, the unemployment rate in Nova Scotia was 6.3%, which is the lowest it has been since 2013.
- The highest median hourly wage in 2023 was in management jobs at $46.33 per hour. The lowest median hourly wage was in sales and service jobs at $16.30 per hour.
- It is interesting to note the difference between median and average wages. For jobs in natural resources, agriculture, and related production, the median hourly wage was $20.00, but the average was higher at $24.96, making a difference of $4.96 per hour. This is the largest difference of the 10 job categories.

Source: Statistics Canada: Employee wages by occupation, annual. Table: 14-10-0417-01