Occupational Demand Outside of Halifax

This page looks at job opportunities outside of Halifax for the 2023-2025 outlook period.

This page looks at job opportunities outside of Halifax for the 2023-2025 outlook period. In regions outside of Halifax, 122 occupations were assigned a Good or Very Good rating, making up 64.2% of all employment. Some key highlights are:

  • More than half of the expected job opportunities in Nova Scotia will be outside of Halifax. 
  • About three-quarters of these jobs will open up because older workers are retiring during this time.

1- Business, finance, and administration

Business, finance, and administration jobs are the third most common types of jobs outside of Halifax.  About 29,700 workers people are working in these jobs, which is about 13% of all jobs.  It is expected that these jobs will offer about 3,610 new opportunities.

Below are the in-demand business, finance, and administration occupations outside of Halifax:


2-Engineering, Math, Science, and Information Technology

There were about 9,900 jobs in these positions, which is about 4.4% of all jobs. It is expected that there will be around 1,300 new job openings during this time. Most of these new jobs will be in professional jobs related to natural and applied sciences.

Below are the in-demand engineering, math, science, and information technology occupations outside of Halifax:



Outside of Halifax, 24,400 people were working in health jobs, which is about 11.7% of all jobs. It is expected that there will be over 3,170 new job opportunities in health during this time.

Below are the in-demand health occupations outside of Halifax:

Very Good:


4-Education, law, and social, community, and government services

In Nova Scotia, jobs in education, law, and social, community, and government services employed 26,600 people, which is about 11.8% of the workforce. It is expected that there will be just over 2,760 new job opportunities in these areas from 2023 to 2025.

Below are the in-demand education, law, and social, community, and government services occupations outside of Halifax:

Very Good:


5-Art, culture, recreation, and sport

This category has the fewest jobs out of the 10 main job categories, with only 3,600 workers. This is about 1.6% of all jobs. It is expected that there will be the fewest job opportunities in this category during the forecast period, with just 490 new jobs.

Below are the in-demand art, culture, recreation, and sports occupations outside of Halifax:


6-Sales and Service

Sales and service jobs are the most common jobs by far, making up 26.1% of all jobs outside of Halifax, with 58,700 workers. Because there are so many of these jobs, they are expected to offer the most job openings during the forecast period: 5,550 new jobs, which is about 23% of all new job openings.

Below are the in-demand sales and service occupations outside of Halifax:

Very Good:


7-Trades and Transportation

This category is the second largest group of jobs, with 41,400 workers, making up about 18.4% of all jobs. It is expected to provide the second most job openings during 2023-2025, with 4,325 new jobs. 

Below are the in-demand trades and transportation occupations outside of Halifax:

Very Good:


8-Farming, Fishing, Forestry, and Mining

In this job category, there are about 13,800 workers, which is about 6.1% of all jobs outside of Halifax. It is expected to have the second-fewest job openings, with only 1,200 new opportunities.

Below are the in-demand farming, fishing, forestry, and mining occupations:


9-Manufacturing and Utilities

In manufacturing and utilities, there are 14,200 workers, making up about 6.3% of all jobs. It is expected that there will be around 1,355 new job opportunities in this field during the forecast period.

Below are the in-demand manufacturing and utilities occupations outside of Halifax:



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